Honours for one please. Signing up for Honours was like returning home when you hadn’t been there for thirty years. Familiar, warm and welcoming in many ways but at times bewildering, unknown and cold as ice. It felt dark for a long time, not in a bad way, more...
PN: Sarcasm ahead. You know the type. Easy to take for granted. Not often acknowledged. Nor often paid. Does the heavy lifting. Allows the artist to simply do the work. The collective name is ‘wife’, as in wives of artists, also artists’ wife, note...
It means a lot to an artist to be acknowledged in their homeland. It was with a joyful heart I went to the Buninyong Film Festival. They had requested to screen two short films of mine. Large As Life (2020) and Life As Carnival (2020). The Buninyong Town Hall was...
It was meant to be an adventure. Lovely mother-daughter time within a story we both loved, Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll, 1865. We had done a photo shoot years earlier based on the story with my daughter Fagyn as Alice about to fall down into...
I’ve been researching Gaeilge and Wadawurrung languages for a project. During invasion and colonisation languages of origin were prohibited. On pain of jail in many cases. We can forget the power of language given our lives are now connected to a global world,...
This project developed a series of microfilms to provide depth to the story-world of Luxville, through the development of a unique partnership with Wadawurrung artists and leaders, sisters Tammy and Deanne Gilson. The completed works, titled ‘Precious...