Yum Creative


Dance Carousel

A light, film and photography installation featuring archetypes of freedom as dancers.

Commissioned by Deborah Klein, City of Ballarat for Ballarat Winter Festival 2018.

Under a ceiling of chandeliers Dance Carousel puts the audience in the centre of a revolving merry-go-round where they become the attraction. The central beam hosts life-size women dancing and twirling as archetypes of freedom.

The Love, The Keeper, The Seeker and The Warrior all dance for importance of expressing freedoms, or lose them through lack of vigilance. Under twinkling festoon lighting, the women move and shift, inviting the audience to join in. Moving images of each woman can be discovered by scanning with a smart phone.

A synchronised light show chases and flashes to a soundtrack, combining with other light works around Alfred Deakin place.

The beauty of this piece is that it engages an older audience through nostalgia, a younger audience through dance, and a cultured audience who seek the moving images embedded in the banners.

See Dance Carousel at Laneway Lumiere’s as part of the Ballarat Winter Festival June 30th – July 29th 2018. Experience a uniquely Ballarat Dub Step sound-synchronisation every hour on the hour between 6-10pm.

Opening Night – Saturday June 30th 6pm – 8pm Alfred Deakin Place, Ballarat




Commissioned by Deborah Klein for Ballarat Winter Festival | City of Ballarat

Photography | Film Erin M McCuskey | Yum Studio

Production Support Michael Gwyther | Yum Studio


  • Karolina Artist
  • Christine Tammer
  • Erin M McCuskey
  • Lynden Baxter
  • Deanne Gilson
  • Linda Franklin
  • Dulcie Corbet

Printers Michelle Honeybun & Alastair Chester | Waller & Chester

Technical Jason Howes

Electrical Russell Waight Electrical

Installation Support Rob Ramsay & Mick

Slide Development Paddy Caulfield

Slide Stringing Stitchies Kiri Smart, Kat Pengelly, Christine Hickson, Susie Surtees, Tiffany Titshall, Dona Pentland

Slide Support Melinda Muscat, Caleb Cluff

Location Partner Learmonth ArtHall Sarah Lloyd & Geoff Bonney

Chandelier Hunter Erin M McCuskey (with thanks to Bree, David, Jane, Wayne, Mike)

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