semaphore is a sumptuous eclectic mix of media based by photography. the works explore issues of communication, signal and signage. it is the work of emma stoneman and erin mccuskey and its now open at two locations:
- existing in hard copy on platform 2 at the ballarat railway station and on the bus bay lydiard st.
- the digital works exist online at
semaphore is part of the fringe programme for the ballarat international foto biennale and is the only exhibition that is outside, open 24 hrs a day AND online… open from Sept 4th to Oct 4th, hope you get the opportunity to check it out and let us know what you think below…
loved the station works… the colour of the lydiard st ones are amazing against the sky
Hi Girls, Just got back from checking out your fantastic work at the station on this freezing Ballarat day. It was worth having a few bits frozen off. Cheers, Anton & Liz
erin & emma humbly throw their bags over their shoulders, scull their wine and salute you both…
with reminder to everyone to go check out Anton’s show at Arthur Gallery!!
Hey, loved your work:) wish I was there to see it in the flesh, it brought back memories of the ol’ station thanx for sending me the link lol
It’s startling the amount of social interaction that goes on, and it’s all so new. Good to see this innovative and thoughtful stuff in such public spaces.
Wow love the projection sounds – its wild when they all start. The idea of technology as humanising is refreshing in a sea of anti-digital, anti-tech…. the messages and the communication are of our making yes?
Well, I must be looking too hard, looking from the wrong perspective, looking in the wrong places, have the wrong glasses on, be over traditional in expectations, be a total nerd BUT i can’t seem to actually find the exhibition at the station.
Sooooo, you have to go really close up. I like it. All that chatter on and on about stuff. The variety of stuff is great… mindless, casual, ordinary, political, sexy, repetitive, ….much like life itself!
Just love the online stuff – so vibrant & involving. You guys should be so proud of yourselves, just outstanding work! We look forward to your work at the next Biennale.
Love the lips. Makes me question my destination every time I leave Ballarat railway station.
Nice work, I like them a lot. Very clever
love this stuff – really enjoy standing on the station and reading the lips. they could keep it there for a long time. on the website – love the combination of written word, images and sound of the old projector. good to be able to watch it over and over to get all the bits. particularly taken with love you… universal content… thanks.
tangible movement of the mind, body and soul, in this case literally, from the railway station! great work, love it!
Sensational work, well placed is one of our most beautiful buildings.
movement of the mind, body and soul (in this case literally), from the railway station! great work, love it!
great work erin and emma! i got to check it out quite a few times while i was at the station… one of my favourite locations in the rat 😀
Wonderful work both online and at the station. How refreshing for commuters coming home from a day of slog in the Big Smoke to have something thought provoking and striking to welcome them home.
Very interesting images and concepts – would like to see the works “live” rather than through the browser to understand how they interact with their immediate environments.
It’s fantastic to see that technology is being used in creating fantastic artwork. It was so much fun walking up to it and reading all the tweet and was fascinating to see how the world of twitter has just come into our lives.
Great work! love them!
The Lips-Mesmerising.The Siren’s call? A warning? Entreating? Cajoling? Enquiring? Advising? Demanding? I like to think all of these. Certainly engaging.
Well you’ve done it again ! eclectic, evocative, evoking, entertaining, exciting and typically erin style. great work girls !! you make me proud.
Loved it… made my entrance to Ballarat that much more enjoyable and my exit even more memorable. Hope to see this space used again for future exhibits
I love the sense of public and private journeys, the soundscape evocative of summer journeys , wistful , dreamscapes interupted . As a frequent train traveller , dreamer and mother of toddlers the works seemed to capture my inner world .
Lush and evocative, sooooo wish I’d seen the works in situ though as the history and activity at the station would have provided fantastic juxtapositions. Do you have images of the images in context? That other level would really enrich the web experience. Love your work gals.
Wow, these are awesome images, I’m really impressed! Great
compositions, intriguing juxtapositioning and startling use of colour – it’s clear you both have a very individual and creative artistic streak. Emma and Erin, you deserve loads of positive feedback and congrats!Well done, ladies!
Great work, well presented, makes the train station more valuable and friendlier
My congratulation to the artists
I wish I’d seen it in the fl;ash/flesh….memories of vicrail vline vigils en route with my cheek,(if not lips- and what was that lippy colour?) absorbing glass chill . So evocative…tell me when next you play(make).
Thankyou for the link!