This project developed a series of microfilms to provide depth to the story-world of Luxville, through the development of a unique partnership with Wadawurrung artists and leaders, sisters Tammy and Deanne Gilson. The completed works, titled ‘Precious...
Walking into the cinema, seeing it in half-light, finding you seat, away enough, close enough, tilt enough, far away together. Expectant. Cinema’s unique use of darkness and light creates an atmosphere of promise. The sisters and I took a long time selecting our...
Somehow we have been divided into clear categories of belonging. I belong to a family. I belong to a land. I belong to a place. I belong to a group. I belong. I long. I yearn. Belonging is a yearning for connection. We work hard for it. It is illusive, something that...
As a kid my film awareness came from cinema experiences that told stories of Western culture mostly. Irish films were as rare to behold in Australia as were First Nations films. That was the dark we went into willingly. Even film school much later rarely looked at...
Cinema is a powerful form of expression. A moving image with soundtrack that surrounds. The audience, in a singular moment with others, are in two places at once. Cinema can explore the darkest corners of the human psyche. Or it can be used to sell hype, hamburgers...